20.04.2024, 12:32 |
Killed at level 15532 by Keny.. |
20.04.2024, 12:13 |
Died at level 15540 by Pandora, the BOSS of Memsoria and by Ice Stone.. |
20.04.2024, 12:06 |
Killed at level 15547 by Keny.. |
14.04.2024, 22:54 |
Died at level 15555 by Devil Stone.. |
14.04.2024, 22:08 |
Died at level 15563 by Devil Stone and by ice stone.. |
16.01.2024, 00:02 |
Died at level 15570 by Pandora, the BOSS of Memsoria, Ice Stone, Devil Stone, a waster and by flame stone.. |
16.01.2024, 00:00 |
Died at level 15578 by Ice Stone and by Devil Stone.. |
15.01.2024, 23:52 |
Died at level 15672 by Undead Warrior, the BOSS of Memsoria and by Devil Stone.. |
15.01.2024, 23:36 |
Died at level 15680 by Pandora, the BOSS of Memsoria and by Devil Stone.. |
15.01.2024, 23:23 |
Died at level 15688 by Devil Stone.. |
23.12.2023, 02:21:09 |
He fragged Sarula at level 12026 (Unjustified). |
20.12.2023, 23:36:02 |
He fragged Ivar at level 10174 (Unjustified). |
09.12.2023, 15:10:54 |
He fragged Imitacja Ed at level 10220 (Justified). |
29.11.2023, 15:29:40 |
He fragged Byku at level 1531 (Justified). |
29.11.2023, 15:26:10 |
He fragged Byku at level 1533 (Justified). |
29.11.2023, 15:26:04 |
He fragged Sorc at level 1118 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:22:29 |
He fragged Byku at level 1536 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:20:58 |
He fragged Byku at level 1538 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:20:45 |
He fragged Byku at level 1540 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:20:34 |
He fragged Byku at level 1543 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:20:23 |
He fragged Byku at level 1545 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:20:17 |
He fragged Byku at level 1547 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:20:11 |
He fragged Byku at level 1550 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:19:57 |
He fragged Byku at level 1552 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:19:47 |
He fragged Byku at level 1554 (Unjustified). |
29.11.2023, 15:16:26 |
He fragged Byku at level 1557 (Unjustified). |